Get a Fresh Start!

Talk To Our Edmonton & Area Debt Relief Specialists.

Since 1995, We have Helped Thousands of Albertans eliminate their Debt. We Can Help You Too!
All our services can be provided virtually, no matter where you are located, with a video conferencing option.

We are Ready to Help with financial services
tailored to fit your Individual Situation.

Learn about Canada’s Best Debt Relief Option!

“A Consumer Proposal”

Only pay back a percentage of your original debt.

We negotiate with your creditors on your behalf, working to reduce your debt to a percentage of the original amount owed. Your Proposal amount is based on current financial situation and once accepted, creditors can’t come back and ask you for more.


Take up to 5 years to pay, interest free!

Stop the interest treadmill. There are absolutely no interest charges with a Consumer Proposal and you can take up to five years to pay.


Immediately stops all creditor actions and collection calls.

Immediately upon filing, all collection and legal actions must stop. No more stressful calls or threatening letters. If your wages are being garnisheed, we can stop this too.


Allows you to keep your assets.

Secured claims against your home, car and other possessions are not part of a Consumer Proposal.


Legally binding on all creditors.

Including your Income Taxes, GST, Credit Cards, and all your other unsecured debt.


No hidden fees or costs.

We are paid through a government tariff deducted from the settlement funds paid to your creditors.


For illustration purposes, let’s look at an example of what we often see on credit card statements:

The balance on the credit card statement we selected showed that the balance owed was $31,316.06, and the interest rate was 24.9 %. If a person makes their minimum payment of $662.38 each month, and on time, the statement says that it will take them 25 years and 3 months or 303 months to pay that balance off.

Grab one of your credit card statements and see what yours says! For most, 25 years represents a large portion of a persons’ working lifetime, and that is only if a person never uses their credit card again. This is why they say having credit card debt and carrying a balance on your credit card is “like agreeing to run on a treadmill forever!”

If you qualify for a Consumer Proposal with NO INTEREST to pay, and continue to make the same payment, your debt would be paid off in less than 4 years or 47.3 months, just under 1/6 the time.


That’s the power of a Consumer Proposal!


Our Consultations are Always FREE!
No Obligation.

Whatever your Financial Situation,
There is a Reliable Solution.

Discrete, Confidential and

Contact Us Today!

Find Out if a Consumer Proposal
is the Right Solution for You.

Ask Us a Question
Book a Free Consultation

Your FREE CONSULTATION can take place over the phone or virtually with a video option from the safety and comfort of your home.

Please Fill in the Contact Form
located below or Call Us

Please fill out the form below:


A Cameron-Okolita Debt Relief
Specialist will reach out to you shortly!


Cameron-Okolita Inc.

Helping to keep you safe and debt free through COVID-19.

Customer Testimonials


There is absolutely ZERO judgement. Call them for your fresh start, they are really incredible and so is what they were able to do for me.
A. Smith

5 Stars

After going through some personal issues they were able to help me through it and provide guidance and help in many areas of my life. I am so thankful for them. They listen and really truly care!
W. Walk

5 Stars

Calling this Trustee for financial help was the best decision I ever made! They treated me with dignity, respect & understanding.
Ce Ce

5 Stars

No matter how complicated or difficult you feel your financial situation might be, you can count on us to help you explore all your options. We will review your financial situation with you and provide you with the best debt relief solution to fit your financial circumstances. If a Consumer Proposal is not the best solution for you, we will find a solution that is. Our goal and objective is to provide you with the best solution available and one that puts your debts behind you once and for all.